SciLifeLab, NBIS and SND are organizing a course on open science and how open science can be implemented in research practice. The course includes one meeting in Solna in early May and on online meeting later the same month. The course is equivalent to 3 hp. More information is available here.
Webinar: Navigating the Research Data Landscape – Publication Practices at a Swedish university
Researchers are increasingly expected by governments, funders, journals, and institutions to make their research data accessible online. The aim of the Swedish government is that such practices should be implemented by 2026. However, little is known about whether, how, and where researchers publish or share their data.
SciLifeLab Data Centre and NBIS joint Data Management team welcome you to a webinar focusing on the results of a study looking at the state of open and FAIR data publication practices of Stockholm University researchers.
When: Tuesday, February 11 2025, 11-12 CET (Zoom)
Speaker: Maria Almbro, Stockholm University
The webinar is part of the SciLifeLab Data Management seminar series, an event series aimed at both the life science research community and infrastructure and others with an interest in research data management in life sciences.
More about the webinar and Zoom link to join online: Navigating the Research Data Landscape: Publication Practices at a Swedish university
Webinar about the EOSC EU node
The Swedish Research Council and The Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions hosts a webinar on the 27th of January 15.00 – 16.00 about the first EOSC node. Sign up if you like to learn more about the EOSC EU node. Angeliki Adamaki, from Lund University, is one of the speakers and will give a talk about her experiences of using the node.
Using open hardware microscope to track changes in aquatic micro flora and fauna – An interview with Per Wilhelmsson
Per Wilhelmsson, PKI Utveckling, was one of the presenters at last year’s LU Open Science Days. We were curious about his work with an open hardware microscope and met up with him to learn more about it. Per’s educational background is in bioinformatics and he holds a PhD in plant evolution from University of Marburg, Germany. He is particularly interested in the emergence of life and the possibilities offered by microscopy to document and monitor aquatic microorganisms in lakes and oceans.
Q: Could you tell us about the microscope you displayed at the LU Open Science Days?
Per: The OpenFlexure Microscope is an open-source microscope that was initially developed by a group of physicists in England. The aim was to develop a microscope that anyone could use. The microscope has initially seen great use for pharmaceutical purposes, e.g. to diagnose malaria in African countries . The microscope is digital and can be used to study liquids, soil and tissues, just like a regular optical microscope. I use the microscope to analyse aquatic microscopic environments.
Q: What does it mean that the microscope is open hardware?
Per: The microscope is made of 3d printed plastic parts and standardised off-the-shelf electronic components such as a computer and camera module from the company Raspberry PI, as well as simple engines and a light source. The microscope is licensed under CERN Open Hardware License meaning that the blueprints for each plastic part, and manuals for assembling the microscope, are open and that any additional commercialised applications developed by users must be shared on the same open terms. All software that is used for controlling the microscope, displaying, gathering and sorting the data is also open and following the GNU General Public License v3.0 earning it the title of being an open source microscope. The label open hardware does not imply that the microscope, in this case, is not associated with costs. However, the costs are very low (from around 2,500SEK depending on whether you assemble the microscope yourself or buy it assembled) compared to other microscopes with similar functionalities.
Q: How do you envision the use of the microscope?
Per: I have always been interested in large-scale microscopy and of sequencing large-scale datasets to document aquatic microorganisms. Our current knowledge about aquatic micro flora and fauna is very limited and to be able to document how climate change impact aquatic microorganisms we urgently need basic research on this. We need comparable data sets to track long term changes. In order to generate such data this microscope may become very useful. The microscope is easy to use and cheap which facilitates for anyone to engage in microscopy and explore the microscopic world. Further sharing your image data through national environmental databases (such as and makes one’s discoveries accessible to researchers and environmental agencies. This contributes towards improving our understanding of aquatic micro flora and fauna, better knowing which organisms are where at what time of the year. This means that the microscope can be very valuable for basic research.
Q: Tell us about your current collaboration with Vattenhallen Science Center
Per: Our joint educational project target secondary and high school teachers. Learning about the microscope combines several elements and skills such as 3D printing, engineering, computer science, microscopy, water analysis and citizen science. The teachers that attend the workshops learn how to build and use their own microscope, knowledge they can share with their students. We also educate the participants on how to collect and share image data so that they can contribute towards national environmental databases. With this, we aim to put microscopes in as many classrooms a possible, igniting interest in micro flora and fauna, creating awareness of environmental monitoring challenges in a rapidly changing climate while also providing a solution.
Q: If I want to get a microscope, whom do I turn to?
Per: The beauty with open source it is that you can turn to yourself, all the information you need is available on the microscope webpage . If you have access to a 3D-printer you can print the plastic parts yourself, that takes approximately 20 hours, and the electronic components can be sourced online if not from your local electronic stores. The community forum is a great resource for help. I am of course also happy to help anyone interested in their own microscope, the parts to build one yourself or in arranging a workshop (
Abstracts from Open Science Days 2024
The abstracts from short talks and posters presented at Open Science Days are now published in a booklet available on zenodo (10.5281/zenodo.14621398).
It is still possible to sign up to attend the Open Science Community Lund start-up meeting!
Welcome to the Open Science Community Lund start-up meeting!
At the LU Open Science Days, the Open Science Community Lunds (OSCL) was launched. As part of the launch, we gathered ideas for fostering constructive actions on open science. These actions will be discussed further at the Open Science Community Lund start-up meeting on the 5th of February. Do you want to join the meeting and hear more about the community? Sign up here.
Here are all the actions collected from the participants, in no particular order.
Blue (Researchers and teachers)
- Join the ReproducibiliTea journal club.
- Cite the data you re-use properly!
- Get a DOI for your datasets/metadata.
- Publish open but ethic (avoid hybrid journals).
- Share the movie from yesterday.
- Regulatory switch venues for scientific groups/host new groups to foster new connections + knowledge sharing.
- Pick a Open Science Community Lund sticker and put it on your water bottle.
- Improve communication on other aspects of open science (not only open access and open data)
- Conduct a collaborative assessment to identify optimal IT tools and infrastructures for Open Science practices involving researchers, librarians and IT professionals.
- Integrate education on Open Science in doctoral education.
- Teaching in the lab: Discuss with students how the lab work is connected/related to Open Science, and how we could possibly make it more open (and why).
- Enterprise license for GitHub at LU.
- An award that is given out every year at conferences.
- Organise seminars/workshops to share experiences of Open Science practices.
- Sharing DMPs.
- Helping others: show that [you] understand the concerns of others [such as] confidentiality, commercial aspects, time.
- Connect with people and organizations that promote Open Science, even beyond LU/Lund (follow their LinkedIn/social media or sign up for their newsletters).
- Have regular seminars at your lab/department/division about what groups are doing to use/promote Open Science in their work and share experiences.
- Sharing knowledges and experiences/photos/videos through international network media.
- Focus on science topics itself, e.g. climate change is about climate change – not political interpretation.
- Involve artists in the whole research process – communication starts at the beginning of the collaboration.
- Work with artistic researchers from the beginning.
- What can we do tomorrow/next week?
- Work together with the editors to write the stories
- [Publish in] The Conversation.
- Vattenhallen outreach with PhD students.
- Experiments for kids.
- Faculty of medicine: 3 meetings in one – scientists, nurses, patients (patient organisations).
- Award: reward outreach in a similar way as education: excellent outreach practitioner.
Green (support staff)
- Small workshops within the faculty library team.
- Fine and preforming arts – librarian: a lot of material is available, just time is needed.
- Promote systems like OBLU and OJLU for local open publishing.
- Build open data infrastructures in associations or networks.
- Senior scholars lead by example – contribute time/energy in Open Science projects and publish in ethical venues.
- Start and maintain an online group/slack channel where all can share news, events, questions etc about Open Science.
- Information in international newsletters and on the internal staff web pages.
- Suggest a fellow researcher for a different faculty to comment/discuss tentative results.
- One page infographic with how-to actions to make your research open and FAIR.
- For administrative staff: find actions within your field of work/admin that require less formal approval (probably those actions still need some kind of approval).
- Recognise/promote researchers who follow Open Science practices e.g. in LU blogs or newsletters (or have a dedicated Open Science newsletter that highlight how people are using Open Science practices in Lund).
- Promote Open Source software.
- Training employees for company and governments, sharing data with different organisations.
- Help researchers engage in public outreach – writing popular stories about science, news items, professional journals.
- Include info about Open Science and OSCL in introductions to PhD candidates.
- Create a centralised repository for open source research tools and data.
- Add “I support OSCL” to your e-mail signature.
- Mirjam’s presentation to the LU leadership.
- Interact with PhD students, junior researchers, have workshops/seminars.
- Organize one seminar on open science opportunities as part of the faculty’s research seminar series, recurring every year.
- Open the librarians support practices and give transparency.
- Promote Diamond publishing.
- Long term data storage, standards for data, sharing etc.
Data Management Roadshow
SciLifeLab Data Centre and NBIS, in collaboration with SciLifeLab Lund, welcome you to join a 2-day event with presentations, workshops, & networking. SciLifeLab Data Management is a collaborative activity between SciLifeLab Data Centre and NBIS Data Management team. Together we support and collaborate with the Swedish life sciences research community and infrastructure. Our aims are to: maximize the value of life science data, highlight and disseminate information about Open Science, FAIR, and good RDM practices, offer services, tools, and support, and offer courses and training.
The roadshow will feature:
1) 11th Dec. Seminar “Overview of Research Data Management services and support available locally and from SciLifeLab”
15:30-16:30 (fika will be served from 15). Venue: Belfragesalen, BMC D15
Target group: PhD students, postdocs, researchers and infrastructure staff.
2) 12th Dec
FAIR Frukost. 9:00-10:00. Venue BMC:E11079 Dialogen. Target group: PhD students and postdocs
Workshop Part I: Data Management Plans. 10:00-12:00 . Venue BMC:E11079 Dialogen. Target group: PhD students, postdocs, researchers and infrastructure staff
Workshop Part II: Data submission to public repositories. 13:00-15:00. Venue BMC:E11073 Rådslaget. Target group: PhD students, postdocs, researchers and infrastructure staff
Registration deadline: December 9th
Event page:
Summarising Open Science Days 2024
Last week the second instalment of the LU Open Science Days took place at Palaestra. The conference committee was happy to welcome 150 participants from LU as well as both Swedish and international organizations and institutions. The theme for this year’s conference was Crossing boundaries with Open Science focusing on how Open Science can bridge boundaries, both within academia and in society at large.
In their welcoming speech, Pro-vice chancellor Per Mickwitz and chair of the programme committee Angeliki Adamaki introduced the organisers of the event, the LU Open Science Champions Group, and how Open Science principles can benefit not only individual researchers and academia but society at large. Per talked about how the current geopolitical insecurities has led to some people saying that we have already passed the peak of Open Science. The pro vice-chancellor said that “we need to speak up for Open Science”.
The welcome speech was followed by a session on broadening of merits and recognition of Open Science contributions in research. Keynote speaker Björn Hammarfelt, professor at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science, spoke about possible future scenarios for Open Science in regard to merits: openness can become a metric in itself, how researchers are assessed can be opened up and reformed, assessment procedures and indicators can become more open. Concluding, Hammarfelt stated the importance of keeping Open Science flexible and non-standardized, not only benefiting the already privileged few within research.
The following panel discussion with Jonathan Nästesjö, Alison Gerber, Johan Revstedt and Björn Hammarfelt led by Nicoló Dell’Unto continued on the same theme and the complexity of the notion of openness and reforming rewards and incentives. Among the things addressed was that changes are needed on both a university management level and community level.
In line with the aim of LU Open Science Days to be a platform for sharing ideas and experiences of practicing Open Science we invited six speakers to present their Open Science projects. Andrea Tarallo, National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Institute of Research on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET), presented the Italian data stewards community, established in 2023 as a bottom-up initiative, and how the community has evolved from a loose network into a more structured entity. Jane Fisher, AdvanSci, gave an introduction to the ReproducibiliTea initiative and the Lund-based journal club that explore challenges in reproducibility within biomedicine and the wider scientific landscape. Carlos Vélez, LUCSUS, talked about his research project concerning sustainable wildlife management in the Colombian Amazon region inspired by Participatory Action Research (PAR), practicing participatory research with two teams of local indigenous researchers. Lydia Bucher from the student organisation iGEM Lund, outlined their outreach activities such as workshops for high school and middle school students and social media engagement. Per Wilhelmsson, PKI Utveckling, presented Sjölabbet, a research-through-education initiative that promotes the use of the open source hardware OpenFlexure microscope (OFM) in educational settings. The microscope is used for aquatic environmental monitoring. Lastly, Massimiliano Novelli from ESS introduced ESS approach to FAIR data management and its integration with the PaNOSC (Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud) data portal to support a collaborative and data-driven scientific ecosystem.
The last session of the day featured a film screening of the film Who stands up for Alvar. The film is based on research data from the research project “Moral stress and moral agency in Swedish eldercare”. The screening was followed by a discussion between the director Anna Maria Jóakimsdóttir Hutri and Sara Hultqvist, School of Social Work, about how art and research can be cross-fertilized and serve as a catalyst for social change. Jóakimsdóttir Hutri received the research data in the form of small stories and moral dilemmas that she in turn shaped into a script for the drama. Hultqvist and Jóakimsdóttir Hutri also talked about how the film created a space for all care workers, regardless of professional role or educational level, to have their voices heard.
During the poster mingle a diverse set of exhibitors displayed their Open Science projects and initiatives. Exhibitors included Carbon Ruins, a portable museum created by Narrating Climate Futures at LU, Vattenhallen Science Center, The Swedish National Data Service, Lund University Press, the LUCRIS administration and Skissernas Museum – Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art.
Keynote speaker on the second day, Mirjam Walpot from the International Network of Open Science & Scholarship Communities talked about the importance of communities in the transition to Open Science. The transition towards making Open Science the norm can be conceptualised via five interventions: infrastructure, user experience, communities, incentives and policy. Here, communities are a part of making Open Science normative and something that not only concerns a small number of early adopters but a majority of researchers. Communities can also be a way of influencing policy making and incentive structures. Mirjam Walpot is originally from the Netherlands, where the Open Science Community has been involved in the Netherlands National Program Open Science 2030.
During the panel discussion on Open Science and the climate emergency Aitzkoa Lopez de Lapuente Portilla, Division of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine, talked about the role of researchers and universities in not reproducing unsustainable practices but being advocates for change. Researchers, by virtue of their expertise, connection to decision making, platforms and implicit authority, have the levers organise and take direct action for the climate. James White, Department of Technology and Society, talked about the environmental impact of the use of AI. AI tools are often presented as unproblematic from an environmental standpoint and the energy consumption needed to power these tools overlooked.
The last panel discussion concerned the geopolitical aspects of Open Science, focusing on East Asia. Hyejin Kim, Department of Economic History, outlined shifting patterns within international research collaboration. Focusing on collaboration rates of Chinese-based scholars, Kim showed the development of co-authorship with Chinese-based scholars and scholars from The United States as well as East and South-East Asia. Nicholas Loubere, Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, talked about the dangers of Open Science being co-opted and redefined by authoritarian interests.
The conference closed with a community building session and the launch of Open Science Community Lund (OSCL). OSCL is a hub that connects researchers and employees at the university that believe in open science as means to increase inclusivity, quality, transparency and integrity in research. The community is a bottom-up initiative that aspires to facilitate the adoption of open science practices for the benefit of both research and society. OSCL welcomes members in all career stages and from all departments at the university with interest in any aspect of open science. You decide your level of engagement with the community and it range from organiser of events to supporter of the community’s work. If you want to be part of, or informed about the progress of the Open Science Community Lund, please sign up here.
Most slides from the conference are available in the programme blog post.
We would like to thank Lund University Press, who have kindly gifted us 11 printed copies of their Open Access books, that will be drawn by lot to a few lucky participants. Keep a look out in your mailboxes.
Thanks to all who attended and contributed to the LU Open Science Days 2024!
Teaser about the poster mingle on the 19th of November
Open Science Days is approaching and here comes a brief teaser about the poster mingle and exhibition on the 19th of November. The exhibition will feature diverse things that are used to create and communicate science.
We are happy to announce that the portable museum Carbon Ruins, created by Narrating Climate Futures at LU will be displayed on during the mingle. Vattenhallen Science Center will display an activity they developed for children that allows them to dig for 3D-printed dinosaur fossils. The Research Data Office unit will bring a poster and present what support LU researchers can expect from them in the area of research data management. Jane Fisher from AdvanSci will introduce solutions for researchers in the biomedical sciences that aims at increasing transparency and research and the recently initiated ReproducibiliTea Open Science Journal Club. Per Wilhelmsson will display a microscope that is based on open hardware and used for aquatic environmental monitoring. A MOOC for high school science teachers organized by researchers from ESS and LU will also be presented and you will also meet researchers from the HOMEROS project that work with solutions for assessing hazards like earthquakes, floods and landslides. The Swedish National Data Service will join from Gothenburg and present present their upcoming national portal for research data,, as well as their involvement in Skills4EOSC. Skissernas Museum – Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art will present their work with Object Based Learning – an inclusive and student-centered pedagogical method with an interdisciplinary approach. The LUCRIS administration will also be represented during the mingle to talk about making your research visible.
Join us for drinks and snacks on the 19th to enjoy this smorgasbord of examples of and support for open science. It is still possible to register!
Building Bridges with Open Science: Be Among the First to Kickstart the Open Science Community at Lund!
Are you eager to shape the future of open science and be part of a growing movement at Lund University? Join us during the LU Open Science Days for interactive community-building sessions and become a founding force behind the new Open Science Community Lund (OSCL)!
In the morning session on Day 2, we’ll dive into inspiring insights from the International Network of Open Science & Scholarship Communities (INOSC) to explore how researchers worldwide are fostering open science at local, national, and global levels. Together, we’ll brainstorm “micro-actions”—practical steps we can take individually or with peers to promote open science that don’t depend on formal structures.
Our final session of the mini-conference is where the magic of collaboration happens! Working in small, diverse groups, we’ll review the collected actions, refine them with fresh perspectives, and prioritize the most impactful ideas. An expert panel will offer guidance, share real-world experiences, and provide strategies to make these actions work in your unique context.
The event will close with the launch of the Open Science Community Lund (OSCL), a new initiative dedicated to supporting open science both at Lund University and beyond. This is your opportunity to connect, contribute, and be part of a network of Open Science advocates!
Whether you’re just starting with Open Science or are already deeply involved, these sessions are designed to inspire and equip you with practical ways to bring Open Science to life in your work and community. Join us, and let’s make science open, collaborative, and inclusive—together!
If you agree with the INOSC Guiding principles and Code of Conduct and want to be part of OSCL sign up here.