We are happy to announce that participants for many sessions are now confirmed (visit the blogpost about the program for latest version!) and that …
Why should we engage in Open Science and how? What are the benefits and challenges? Open Science is ascribed increased importance by multiple actors …
Angeliki Adamaki Project Manager at Lund University, working at the ICOS Carbon Portal at the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science (LU INES) …
Have you engaged in open science practices in your research project? The program committee for the LU Open Science Days invites PhD students, researchers …
WHEN: lunch-to-lunch event on the 20th to the 21st of November. WHERE: Palestra Why should we engage in Open Science and how? Which are …
Hi Angeliki! Karolina: You are part of the team organising the event “Open and FAIR environmental data for societal benefits” – An ENVRI Community …
The auditorium at Pufendorf was filled when Professor Cameron Neylon gave his talk about the possibilities of measuring progress towards open science. His talk …
The BIBSAM consortia should not negotiate new transformative agreements with publishers argue eight scholars in a debate article in Svenska Dagbladet. The money saved …
Lund University Open Science Champions and the Lund University Library invite researchers, librarians and all interested in open science to a talk and discussion …
The publishing platform Juridikbok.se is a pragmatic response to the problem that important but out-of-print Swedish legal texts are increasingly inaccessible, as they are only available in a diminishing number of print copies that are falling apart from high use. After many years of law libraries struggling to provide access to these books, a growing collection of them are now freely available to anyone with an internet connection.