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Summarising LU Open Science Days!

This week it was finally time for the first LU Open Science Days ever. With 150 registered participants and a diverse set of speakers from LU as well as external keynotes, the committee was eager for the event to start.

Per MickwitzIn his inaugural speech pro-vice chancellor, Per Mickwitz encouraged participants and the audience to share their open science practices. The diversity of ways of engaging with open science permeated the event, and several speakers highlighted that open science entails a cultural change in academia. Per Mickwitz accounted for the role of open science in LU’s research strategy and the new open science organisation that was established this year and underlined the importance of open science by saying that “open science increases trust in research, leads to better research and greater impact”.

The following session addressed educational and skill enhancing efforts for students and staff in the area of open science. Åse Innes-Ker shared her experiences of incorporating processes for openly documenting data and methods for analysis in her teaching of master’s students in psychology. Maggie Hellström from the ICOS Carbon Portal talked about a PhD course about research data management given at the Faculty of Science. The session’s third speaker, Maria Johnson from the Library and ICT-services at the Faculty of Medicine talked about the role of the library in skill enhancement and the courses and support offered to PhD-students and researchers at the Faculty of Medicine. In all three initiatives, younger and early career researchers were the target group for the initiatives and a question from the audience to the speakers concerned how to get through to more senior researchers that might not be too keen on changing their practices. The answer addressed the importance of identifying the right channels for reaching this group and engage in dialog, and to focus on the researchers’ own experiences and struggles related to research data management.

research data panel

The following session on research data management started with a keynote. Anders Conrad from DeiC talked about the implementation of the FAIR principles and drew on developments and experiences from Denmark and Europe. In his talk, Anders illustrated how the notion of data management, the FAIR principles and open science relates to different activities surrounding research. The keynote was followed by four shorter presentations from researchers at LU sharing their experiences of research data management and working with the FAIR principles. Anna Lundberg described her and her colleagues work with establishing the Asylum archive that gathers material from interviews carried out during the period 2015-2017 with refugees seeking asylum, activists and staff from authorities. The importance of maintaining the archive is unquestionable since those accounts can never be gathered anew. At the same time, making this kind of data available is also a challenge. The Digital Archaeology Lab at LU has lots of experience of digitizing excavations and artefacts in 3D and making their collections available. Nicoló Dell’Unto concluded in his speech that “open science is not about technological improvement but a paradigm shift that requires a transformation in every segment of the knowledge production process”. Harry Lankreijer from the ICOS carbon portal shared the experiences from this pan-European Environmental Research infrastructure that gather data about carbon emissions. The session’s final speaker Jonas Lindemann from presented the resources for high-performances computing, visualization, and storage that LUNARC offer their users. The following discussion led by Per Runeson addressed amongst many things potential risks of sharing data. Nicolo Dell’Unto pointed out that control over data implies control over both past and future. Early archaeology sorted data in ways that have misrepresented history and the importance of learning from such experiences is crucial today. To manage large quantities of data is a big responsibility. Anna Lundberg agreed her data could potentially fuel populist movements but emphasised that the value of sharing and making the data – and by extension the stories relating to asylum processes – weighs heavier than the risks. For the collaborators at ICOS sharing was part of the set-up and general idea already when the infrastructure was established.

The first day ended with a mingle and exhibition outside the auditorium. Posters included examples of implementation of the FAIR principles and support offered by the libraries at the university. Vattenhallen Science Centre had brought a robot that occasionally accurately identified the mood of participants if they let the robot take their picture. Lund University Press the Humanities and Theology faculties’ book series displayed printed versions of their publications, which are also available open access.

The themes on the second day were open access publishing and outreach. Björn Brembs, the second invited keynote speaker was first to take the floor. In his talk titled Replacing Academic Journals (same as an article he has written with co-authors and that is available here) he suggested research institutions to take control of publishing infrastructures and that these replace the current corporate owned journal system. The following session continued the publishing theme with attention to financing of open access journals.

open access session

The moderator Nicholas Loubere and speakers Ekaterina Chertkovskaya and Annegret Engel, all editors of diamond open access journals (Made in China Journal, Ephemera and the Nordic Journal of European Law), gave their experiences and views on the current situation for their respective journals. Ekaterina Chertkovskaya summarised the mayor challenge to be “how to channel funding to not-for-profit journals and other publishing initiatives and away from for-profit publishers”. Annegret Engel raised the question of what the Nordic Journal of European Law should do if they do not manage to secure funds, should they continue and depend on even more voluntary work or turn to a professional publisher and sell their product? Reoccurring themes were that that being an editor is a “labour of love and care” and that finding sustainable funding for running a diamond open access journal is a constant challenge. While independent journals struggle to survive, enormous amounts of money goes to commercial publishers through transformative agreements. Kristoffer Holmqvist, head of the department of scholarly communication at the University Library was also one of the speakers in the session. Even though his department manage all the deals the university has with publishers via the national consortia BIBSAM, and he and his colleagues agree there are plenty of problems with these deals, the library is neither responsible nor have the mandate to change the system, even though they would like it to change. Kristoffer Holmqvist said that in order to stop the university from spending money on expensive publishing deals we need to discuss incentives, rewards, publishing strategies, infrastructure, and alternative publishing outlets.

The following session took a deep dive into outreach as an open science practice. In her introductory presentation, Monica Almqvist, office director at Vattenhallen Science Centre, talked about how the cultural and public centres at Lund University play a pivotal role in raising young people’s interest in science. Vattenhallen collaborate with schools, for example the science fair Unga forskare and with the Swedish National Agency for Education in creating programming workshops for teachers. Monica Almqvist emphasised the importance of outreach for the future of the scientific community, citing research that indicate that children with a high science capital are more likely to pursue a carrier in the STEM-fields.

Allison Perrigo, director at the Lund University Botanical Garden, shared her own experiences of having her scientific curiosity awakened by science centres. Apart from being a highly appreciated park, the Botanical Garden is an important research infrastructure, practicing research and conservation while at the same time managing exhibitions, educational tours and school collaborations. Holding a unique collection of threatened species, Allison Perrigo described how their outreach activities covered cross-disciplinary subjects like the colonial history of plant conservation. In a following panel discussion Ulf Ellervik, professor at the Centre for Analysis and Synthesis, cited media participation as an outreach activity and accounted of his experiences writing popular science books and participating in popular media. All three speakers encouraged researchers to engage in outreach but acknowledged the struggles in simplifying while at the same time being correct and nuanced. Ulf Ellervik pointed out the cultural differences between popular media and academia. In popular media, all researchers are experts in their discipline even if they work in an environment where everyone is highly specialized. He further stressed that outreach is even more important now as the information landscape is increasingly fragmented.

Panel open futures

The concluding panel focused on the future of open science. Moderator Angeliki Adamaki, Department of INES and ICOS Carbon Portal, opened by explaining the mission of the LU Open Science Days to describe the scientific journey of a researcher. Starting with education in open science, research data management and how Lund University can equip scientist to practice open science, to how the results can be published and in turn how the results from open science practices can have an impact on society. Håkan Carlsson, Library director at the University Library, presented the library’s role and support in making a cultural shift towards open science a reality. Per Runeson highlighted the important work done by researchers, infrastructures, libraries, and other actors at LU to promote open science, while at the same time acknowledging the need to develop and facilitate support structures for researcher to practice open science. A culture change can take time and cannot be imposed top-down. Maggie Hellström brought up the importance of working together and breaking down the notion of them and us within academia. LU should prioritise coordination on how to teach open science to all staff and take a practical approach in setting up infrastructures like storage solutions. Anders Conrad mentioned the influence of AI and machine learning on open science and open access in the coming years. The panel was asked who has the responsibility for making science open, is it the individual researchers or the university? Per Runeson said he favours carrots before sticks and that it therefore is important to talk about incentives rather than responsibilities that sounds more like sticks. Håkan Carlsson echoed the statement by saying that making open science possible and easy is the university’s responsibility.

Concluding LU Open Science Days Nicholas Loubere emphasised that open science and open access require all parts of the university to work together. The presentations at the conference showed there are many things already going on. While a change is dependent on top-down initiatives, we all make up Lund University and we need to work together to foster a cultural shift towards making science open.

Thanks to all of you who attended LU Open Science Days!

November 23, 2023

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Program for LU Open Science Days almost finalized

Today, the conference committee has met to plan and finalize the last parts of the conference program for the Lund University Open Science Days.

We are happy to present a diverse line up of speakers, both LU affiliated and external, as well as a wide variety of topics. We hope that the conference program reflects the diversity of open science practices. Join us on the 20th and 21st of November to take part in inspiring and thought-provoking examples of how open science can be conceptualized and practiced, at LU and beyond.

If you haven’t already, you can register here. Registration is open until the 9th of November.


October 26, 2023

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Two quick questions to moderator Per Runeson

Research data management and FAIR data play pivotal roles within open science. At the LU Open Science Days we will explore research data management, FAIR data, and repositories during the session Open Science and Research Data Management – Opportunities and Challenges.

In this post we are happy to present Per Runeson, Professor at the Department of Computer Science, and moderator for the session.

Hi Per! You represent Lund University in the EOSC-association. Could you briefly explain what EOSC is?

Per: EOSC – The European Open Science Cloud – is an umbrella concept for the vision to promote open science by providing a cloud solution for researchers, innovators, companies, and citizens. They may publish, find and re-use data, tools and services for research, innovation and educational purposes. Currently, there is no physical storage equipment, but the work within EU is focused on developing standards, procedures, and technical platforms to federate multiple topical or national data spaces.

The EOSC-association represents the European research community in shaping of the future EOSC. It has 256 members, including universities, funding agencies, and service providers for research. The 12 Swedish members synchronize their efforts in a working group coordinated by the Swedish Research Council.

You are also the chair of the newly formed FAIR expert group at LU. What are the FAIR-principles?

Per: The FAIR principles contribute to open science by making data ”as open as possible, as closed as necessary”. The principles aim to improve the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse of digital assets. If data cannot be made open – e.g. personal data – meta-data about the data shall be published. Further, data and metadata should be standardized to enable finding and reuse of data, and thereby improve research efficiency.

October 10, 2023

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Three quick questions to conference committee member Mauno Vihinen

In this post we want to present conference committee member Mauno Vihinen, Professor and Research Team Manager at Protein Bioinformatics.

Hi Mauno! Open Science covers many things and practice, of all the things that can be encompassed in the notion of open science, what are you most passionate about?

Mauno: I have worked for decades to make data, computer programs and analyses available. That has been the tradition in my field, bioinformatics. We have released more than 100 databases, all of them are publicly available. Such efforts are only possible if there are agreed standards and reference systems.

How do you apply open science in your research? 

Mauno: At BMC we develop methods that are made publicly available. There are for example AI-based methods for identifying genetic variants (mutations) related to diseases, as well as tools for different effects and consequences of variations. We maintain some unique databases, such as VariBench, the only source for variation effect benchmark sets, which has users around the world.

I have also worked for open access publications for years in different roles, e.g. in editorial boards of journals, in work groups that have developed recommendations for reporting genetic data, and in international collaborations to develop standard data formats.

What will be your role during the LU Open Science Days? 

Mauno: I will be an active participant. I want to learn about the on-going and coming aspects of open science and I want to continue contribute to open science in my open research.


October 9, 2023

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Three quick questions to keynote speaker Anders Conrad

In this post we are very happy to present our keynote speaker for the first day of the conference, Anders Conrad, DeiC.

Anders will present his keynote speach, Implementing FAIR – core pillars in national and international initiatives translating principles into action, at the LU Open Science Days on the 20th of November. In preperation for the conference, we have asked him three quick questions about his engagement with open science.

Hi Anders! How did you first become engaged in open science?

Anders: I used to work at the Royal Library in Copenhagen, where I was gradually pulled into working with repositories and research infrastructures. Such projects were practical attempts to deal with technical and legal barriers for open access to scientific content, e.g. across borders. In a library context, these efforts were closely related to efforts to secure public access to research objects. For me this gradually took me into data management and FAIR which is one path towards opening science to broader parts of society.

Open science covers many things and practice, of all the things that can be encompassed in the notion of open science what is the most urgent one from your perspective? 

Anders: In the field I am working in, we claim that making different kinds of research outputs FAIR and (more) openly accessible will benefit research, both in terms of efficiency and ability to ask new research questions. I think there is an urgency to produce a sufficient amount of open data across various disciplines to be able to substantiate such claims. So that moving towards open science will not be seen as just another burden and cost for researchers, but start offering benefits in the near future.

Looking forward, how do you envision the future of open science? 

Anders: Let me mention AI as one of the big jokers of the moment. I think AI will potentially have a much stronger impact on research than just being another tool, as some people claim. AI could introduce great opportunities, but could also result in great challenges for data management. How do we for example secure data integrity, documenting data provenance, and transparency about how AI systems were trained? I would hope that open science and FAIR could be part of the solution to such challenges.



October 5, 2023

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Welcome to participate and contribute to the poster exhibition and display at LU Open Science Days!

“Poster Session” by angermann is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Have you engaged in open science practices in your research project? Do you work with an infrastructure or other initiative at LU that engages in open science?

The program committee for the LU Open Science Days invites PhD students, researchers and support staff at LU to present their experiences of engaging in open science during the LU Open Science Days on the 20th of November. You may participate by submitting a poster or exhibiting some other displayable artefact.

Posters may address examples of ways of engaging in open science, such as open access publishing, sharing methods and analytical tools for making (meta)data, data products, and research outputs more Open and FAIR. It can also encompass ways of involving the public, citizen science, open science skills and education, or any other facet of open science. You may focus on experienced benefits or challenges of engaging in open science practices. The committee welcomes submissions from all disciplines, perspectives, and angles.

Posters can be in any format and you may reuse posters from previous conferences if its’ scope fits the open science theme. Infrastructures and units at LU or other stakeholders that in some way are affiliated with the university are also welcome to display their work in the form of posters, rollups or display tables. If you are interested in some form of display, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your needs!

For questions about the poster mingle and submissions, please contact for further information.

To submit a poster or presentation idea, please send an abstract of approximately 200-400 words before the 27th of October to

October 2, 2023

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Three quick questions to conference committee member Angeliki Adamaki

In this post would also like to present one of the members of the organising committe, Angeliki Adamaki, project manager, working at the ICOS Carbon Portal at the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science (LU INES)

Hi Angeliki! Are there any stakeholders you would like to encourage to be a part of the dialogue around open science?

Angeliki: The LU Open Science Days are organized for the very first time and I believe they offer a great opportunity to bring together all Open Science enthusiasts and actors at Lund University. Whether you are a researcher looking to open up your scientific work, an expert with valuable insights to share, or an LU stakeholder keen on discussing the University’s role in supporting our scientists to practice Open Science, you are warmly invited to participate in this newly established forum and talk about our current progress and what the future demands from each of us.

Why should researchers, PhD Students and support staff submit posters to poster mingle?  

Angeliki: Submitting posters to the Poster Mingle means showcasing your work and sharing insights with our LU community. We aim at providing a platform to visually communicate findings, innovative ideas and projects to a diverse audience, encouraging interdisciplinary dialogue and networking. From our experience with poster sessions at scientific conferences, such events can provide valuable feedback, encouraging idea exchange and potential collaborations, all in a relaxing environment with good company and tasty food!

What would you like Lund University to do to facilitate open science practices?

Angeliki: In my view, Lund University has the capacity to equip our scientists with all essential tools for practicing Open Science, from training and guidelines to technical support and key resources like FAIR repositories, collaborative platforms and Open Access publishing assistance. If I were to summarize these expectations in a single wish, it would be for LU to prioritize Open Science as one of its central strategic goals, offering researchers access to an enabling infrastructure, and inspiring a culture of openness and collaboration.

September 26, 2023

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Updated conference program and three quick questions to conference committee member Monica Almqvist

We are happy to announce that participants for many sessions are now confirmed (visit the blogpost about the program for latest version!) and that Björn Brembs has accepted our invitation as keynote speaker for the second conference day.  

We would also like to present one of the members of the organising committee, Monica Almqvist, Senior lecturer at the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Office director at Vattenhallen Science Center.

Hi Monica! Open Science covers many things and practice, of all the things that can be encompassed in the notion of open science what are you most passionate about?

Monica:  My passion is science communication and outreach! I’m running Vattenhallen Science Center, Lund University’s biggest investment in broadened recruitment. With our tagline “Curious about Science” we offer our visitors an interactive learning experience through our exhibitions covering five current scientific fields. We have more than 45 000 visitors each year, most of them young school students. I think it is a matter of democracy to reach out to the public and politicians about the importance and joy of research, how research is done and that new discoveries reach those who can have use of the information.

What will be your role during the LU Open Science Days?

Monica: I’m in charge of the session “Outreach as Open Science Practice. I will invite a couple of scientists who are deeply involved in outreach activities. They will tell their story and together we will present some of the venues, events and possibilities that are available for different kind of outreach at our university.

Why should researchers, PhD Students and support staff submit posters to poster mingle

Monica: This session could be the most fun part of the conference. Come and show how you have practiced outreach. Let’s mix practical, experimental exhibits with the scientific posters!

September 20, 2023

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LU Open Science Days – Program and registration

Why should we engage in Open Science and how? What are the benefits and challenges? Open Science is ascribed increased importance by multiple actors in the research community for facilitating dialogue between academia and society. It enables interdisciplinary research, enhances transparency and replicability, and ultimately strengthens the foundations of research integrity. Join us on the 20th and 21st of November at Palaestra for the inaugural event organised by the cross-faculty Open Science Champions group aimed at bringing together staff, faculty, and research students from across the university to engage in a dialogue about what the future of Open Science and Open Access should look like in Lund and beyond.

Sessions will address the LU approaches to educating scientists about open science, the principles we adhere to and the infrastructures we need and build in and around LU, as well as the ways Open Science practices are considered when we reach out to diverse stakeholders. It’s a two-day event to celebrate the essence of Open Science, share ideas and experiences, discuss the expectations from Lund University and explore the future of Open Science. And of course, there will be delicious food and beverages to enjoy while you mingle with your peers.

The program committee invite all LU-affiliated researchers and PhD-students as well as support staff that work with research support to attend this free of charge lunch-to-lunch celebration of the principles and practices of Open Science, featuring inspiring speakers, interactive sessions, and lively discussions. Join us for an intellectually nourishing experience. Engage in brain-boosting discussions, savour delicious food for thought, and quench your thirst for knowledge with a side of beverages. Get ready to mingle, munch, and make connections that’ll last longer than your snack stash!

Registration is now closed. If you forgot to register but would like to attend please contact

Monday 20th November

11:30-13:00 Registration and lunch

13.00-13.05 Opening the conference – Per Runeson

13:05-13:45 Inaugural speach –  Pro-Vice Chancellor Per Mickwitz

13:45-14:30  Open Science Education

Open science starts with the planning of the research. The past decade has seen a proliferation of tools and practices for ensuring that research is robust and transparent. There is no better place to introduce this than for courses for the future generation of researchers.  In this session we will present and discuss two initiatives – one at the masters level and one at the doctoral level. In addition we will present the now obligatory ethics training for doctoral students.  Ethics – both the legal and the practical aspects – intersects in interesting ways with open science.

Speakers and discussants: Åse Innes-Ker, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Maggie Hellström, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science – ICOS Carbon Portal, Maria Johnsson, Project coordinator, Stöd till forskning och lärande – Faculty of Medicine.

Moderator: Åse Innes-Ker

14:30-15:00 Coffee break

15:00-16:30  Open Science and Research Data Management – Opportunities and Challenges

Explore the special session on research data management, FAIR data, and repositories. LU researchers from diverse scientific fields together with our keynote speaker will unveil FAIR and Open repository insights, share practical solutions and discuss challenges. The session aims at creating a platform for dynamic discussions as speakers and attendees delve into the evolving landscape of research data management and the needs of LU scientists in the big-data era. Your input is crucial to shaping the future of Open Science. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be a part of the conversation.

Keynote: Anders Conrad, DeiC – Implementing FAIR – core pillars in national and international initiatives translating principles into action

Speakers and discussants: Anna Lundberg, Professor, Department of Sociology of Law, Nicoló Dell’Unto , Professor, Department of Archaeology, Harry Lankreijer, senior lector, Department of INES and ICOS Carbon Portal, Jonas Lindeman, LUNARC.

Moderator: Per Runeson, Professor, Department of Computer Science

16:30 – Poster mingle and reception

Tuesday 21st November

08:30-09:00 Registration

09:00-09:45 Keynote: Replacing academic journals, Björn Brembs, Professor Neurogenetics, University of Regensburg.

09:45-10:30  Financing Open Access Publishing

Publishing open access is rapidly becoming an institutional requirement for publicly funded research, and rightfully so. Universities channel substantial funding to support open access, but this funding mainly goes to for-profit publishers, leaving a whole plethora of not-for-profit publishing options underfunded. In this session we zoom in on this topic, addressing the following questions: What are the current options for publishing open access at Lund University? What are the existing imbalances in supporting open access? What are the challenges that not-for-profit publishers face and how can they be addressed?

Speakers: Ekaterina Chertkovskaya, researcher, Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Kristoffer Holmqvist, University library, Annegret Engel, associate professor, Department of Law.

Moderator: Nicholas Loubere, Senior lecturer, Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-11:45  Outreach as open science practice

Many researchers have a strong desire to reach out to the public with their research topics and results. The reason could be anything from stimulating young people’s curiosity, educational purposes or contributing to the political debate. At Lund University, we have many venues for meetings between researchers and the public: Vattenhallen Science Center, the Historical Museum, the Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art, the Botanical Garden, Odeum, lectures and events. In this session, you will meet researchers who are involved in outreach activities, and you will receive information about several opportunities to participate in outreach activities in a simple way.

Speakers: Ulf Ellervik, Professor, Centre for Analysis and Synthesis, Allison Perrigo, Director, Lund University Botanical Garden.

Moderator: Monica Almqvist, Office Director Vattenhallen Science Centre and Senior Lecturer Department of Biomedical Engineering

11:45-12:30 Panel discussion: Open Futures

The ways in which open science and open access have been conceptualised and practiced at Lund University, across the EU, and beyond has shifted rapidly in recent decades, alongside expectations for how research is conducted and disseminated. And looking forward the landscape seems likely to continue to transform as institutions change policies, national funders make new mandates, and international agreements come into force. This session aims to create an interactive forum where we will envision what the future holds for open science and open access and the different trajectories these movements could take, considering the broader implications for researchers and scientific inquiry.  

A diverse panel of experts will share their insights and perspectives and attendees are encouraged to actively engage, sharing their thoughts and questions with the panel and fellow audience members. Your participation will contribute to shaping the collective vision of open science and open access moving forward. 

Panellists: Maggie Hellström, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science – ICOS Carbon Portal, Anders Conrad, DeiC, Per Runeson, Department of Computer Science, Håkan Carlsson, Library Director, Lund University Library.

Moderator: Angeliki Adamaki

12.30-12.45: Closing the conference and lunch

Closing remarks Nicholas Loubere.

August 22, 2023

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Presenting the conference committee for LU Open Science Days

Angeliki Adamaki Project Manager at Lund University, working at the ICOS Carbon Portal at the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science (LU INES)

Monica Almqvist Senior lecturer at the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Office director at Vattenhallen Science Center

Ekaterina Chertkovskaya Researcher at Environmental and Energy System Studies at the Department of Technology and Society

Nicolo Dell’Unto Professor of Archaeology and one of the founders of the Digital Archaeology Laboratory DARK Lab

Åse Innes-Ker Senior Lecturer at the Department of Psychology

Nicholas Loubere Senior Lecturer at the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies

Mauno Vihinen Professor and Research Team Manager at Protein Bioinformatics


Administrative support and practicalities

Karolina Lindh University Library

Alice Olsson University Library

If you have questions about the conference please contact

August 21, 2023

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