We are happy to announce that participants for many sessions are now confirmed (visit the blogpost about the program for latest version!) and that Björn Brembs has accepted our invitation as keynote speaker for the second conference day.
We would also like to present one of the members of the organising committee, Monica Almqvist, Senior lecturer at the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Office director at Vattenhallen Science Center.

Hi Monica! Open Science covers many things and practice, of all the things that can be encompassed in the notion of open science what are you most passionate about?
Monica: My passion is science communication and outreach! I’m running Vattenhallen Science Center, Lund University’s biggest investment in broadened recruitment. With our tagline “Curious about Science” we offer our visitors an interactive learning experience through our exhibitions covering five current scientific fields. We have more than 45 000 visitors each year, most of them young school students. I think it is a matter of democracy to reach out to the public and politicians about the importance and joy of research, how research is done and that new discoveries reach those who can have use of the information.
What will be your role during the LU Open Science Days?
Monica: I’m in charge of the session “Outreach as Open Science Practice. I will invite a couple of scientists who are deeply involved in outreach activities. They will tell their story and together we will present some of the venues, events and possibilities that are available for different kind of outreach at our university.
Why should researchers, PhD Students and support staff submit posters to poster mingle?
Monica: This session could be the most fun part of the conference. Come and show how you have practiced outreach. Let’s mix practical, experimental exhibits with the scientific posters!