“Poster Session” by angermann is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
Have you engaged in open science practices in your research project? Do you work with an infrastructure or other initiative at LU that engages in open science?
The program committee for the LU Open Science Days invites PhD students, researchers and support staff at LU to present their experiences of engaging in open science during the LU Open Science Days on the 20th of November. You may participate by submitting a poster or exhibiting some other displayable artefact.
Posters may address examples of ways of engaging in open science, such as open access publishing, sharing methods and analytical tools for making (meta)data, data products, and research outputs more Open and FAIR. It can also encompass ways of involving the public, citizen science, open science skills and education, or any other facet of open science. You may focus on experienced benefits or challenges of engaging in open science practices. The committee welcomes submissions from all disciplines, perspectives, and angles.
Posters can be in any format and you may reuse posters from previous conferences if its’ scope fits the open science theme. Infrastructures and units at LU or other stakeholders that in some way are affiliated with the university are also welcome to display their work in the form of posters, rollups or display tables. If you are interested in some form of display, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your needs!
For questions about the poster mingle and submissions, please contact karolina.lindh@ub.lu.se for further information.
To submit a poster or presentation idea, please send an abstract of approximately 200-400 words before the 27th of October to openscience@lu.se