Welcome to LU Open Science Days!

WHEN: lunch-to-lunch event on the 20th to the 21st of November.

WHERE: Palestra

Why should we engage in Open Science and how? Which are the benefits and challenges? Open Science is ascribed increased importance by multiple actors in the research communities for facilitating dialogue between academia and society. It enables interdisciplinary research, enhances transparency and replicability and ultimately strengthens the foundations of research integrity. Join us on the 20th and 21st of November for inspiring talks and discussions with fellow colleagues from Lund University and learn about their experiences with open science. Sessions will address the LU approaches to educating scientists about open science, the principles we adhere to and the infrastructures we need and build in and around LU, as well as the ways Open Science practices are considered when we reach out to diverse stakeholders. The event is organised by the LU Open Science Champions, a group established by LU in January 2023 and tasked to promote increased knowledge and awareness about open science at Lund University.

Registration will open in August.

Contact person for the event: karolina.lindh@ub.lu.se

June 26, 2023

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LU Open Science Days 2023