Research data management and FAIR data play pivotal roles within open science. At the LU Open Science Days we will explore research data management, FAIR data, and repositories during the session Open Science and Research Data Management – Opportunities and Challenges.
In this post we are happy to present Per Runeson, Professor at the Department of Computer Science, and moderator for the session.

Hi Per! You represent Lund University in the EOSC-association. Could you briefly explain what EOSC is?
Per: EOSC – The European Open Science Cloud – is an umbrella concept for the vision to promote open science by providing a cloud solution for researchers, innovators, companies, and citizens. They may publish, find and re-use data, tools and services for research, innovation and educational purposes. Currently, there is no physical storage equipment, but the work within EU is focused on developing standards, procedures, and technical platforms to federate multiple topical or national data spaces.
The EOSC-association represents the European research community in shaping of the future EOSC. It has 256 members, including universities, funding agencies, and service providers for research. The 12 Swedish members synchronize their efforts in a working group coordinated by the Swedish Research Council.
You are also the chair of the newly formed FAIR expert group at LU. What are the FAIR-principles?
Per: The FAIR principles contribute to open science by making data ”as open as possible, as closed as necessary”. The principles aim to improve the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse of digital assets. If data cannot be made open – e.g. personal data – meta-data about the data shall be published. Further, data and metadata should be standardized to enable finding and reuse of data, and thereby improve research efficiency.