Researchers and PhD students that would like to share their experiences and needs related to implementing open science approaches in their research are most welcome to register for the open workshops that the ‘Open science at Lund University’ project will organise in February and March.
Open science has today gained a prominent position in research policy in Sweden as well as in the EU. The Swedish government’s goal is that publications and research data from projects funded by public funding should be openly available no later than 2026. Universities and colleges are ascribed an important role in achieving this goal. Research funders are today also increasingly demanding that research outputs such as publications and data from projects they fund should be made openly accessible.
In order to improve conditions for researchers at Lund University to implement open science aspects in their research we are very interested in learning more about your practices and needs related to open science. Open science do not only refer to making publications and data open. It may include sharing software and code, the publication of pre-prints or participating in open peer-review, registered reports, citizen science or in other ways engage in practices that make research available, transparent and reproducible. The information gathered during the workshops constitute an important contribution and background for the suggestions that will be handed over to the research board from the project.
Dates for workshops and registration is available here.
If you have questions about the projects or the workshops, please contact Karolina Lindh (