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May 17, 2022 |

The publishing platform is a pragmatic response to the problem that important but out-of-print Swedish legal texts are increasingly inaccessible, as they are only available in a diminishing number of print copies that are falling apart from high use. After many years of law libraries struggling to provide access to these books, a growing collection of them are now freely available to anyone with an internet connection.
  • Open access
April 8, 2022 |

Open access journal Ornis Svecica

Ornis Svecica is one of many scientific and scholarly journals hosted at Lund University’s open journal platform, Open Journals at Lund University (OJLU). Since 2019 the journal has been published openly accessible to anyone, with no cost to either author or reader, a publishing model often called “diamond open access”. We talked to Managing Editor Martin Stervander and Associate Editor Åke Lindström about the journal and their mission to study birds in Sweden.
  • Citizen science
  • Open access
January 27, 2022 |

Open Access and transformative agreements

The number of scientific article published open access by researchers affiliated with Lund University has increased from 26 % in 2015 to 69 % in 2021. A consortium of Swedish universities, colleges and national agencies called BIBSAM, has for approximately 30 years, negotiated agreements for access to electronic resources. Today these agreements also encompass publishing fees in open access and hybrid journals.
  • Open access