Call for Posters and Talks: LU Open Science Days 2024 – Crossing Boundaries with Open Science

Are you using Open Science to cross boundaries in your research or initiatives? Have you collaborated across disciplines, connected academia with society, or navigated Open Science in a rapidly changing geopolitical landscape?  

The program committee of the LU Open Science Days 2024 invites LU-affiliated* researchers, PhD students, and research support staff to present their projects on November 20, 2024, either as a short talk or a poster. With this year’s theme, “Crossing Boundaries with Open Science,” we are seeking contributions that illustrate how Open Science bridges these boundaries, fosters collaboration, and creates real-world impact. 

We welcome submissions on topics including, but not limited to: 

Cross-disciplinary research and collaboration across fields. 

Science activism, citizen science, and partnerships with society. 

Geopolitical challenges addressed through Open Science. 

Global collaborations between LU and external institutions. 

Creative communication using Open Science practices. 

How to Submit (please state your preference in your application):  

Talks: Submit an abstract (200-400 words) by October 15th to Because of limited available time, selected talks will be informed promptly. All other contributions can be presented as posters or at booths.  

Posters: Submit your abstract (200-400 words) by October 25th to Any format goes.

Please mark your email “Open Science Talks and Posters”.

*Non-LU contributors are warmly encouraged to apply; a limited number of spots is available for exciting external contributions. 

September 27, 2024

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LU Open Science Days 2024