About the Open Science Project at Lund University

Open science is today a feature of science that funders, universities and government strive towards. The Swedish government’s goal is that all publications and research data from publically funded research should be open no later than 2026. Yet open science encompass several other aspects and practices such as open source, open software, open educational resources, citizen science, open peer-review and many more that aim at enhancing transparency and participation and facilitate reproducibility in research.

Universities have an important role in facilitating the move towards open science for researchers. In order to develop and support open science at LU the research board initiated this project, which aims at suggesting a structure for LU’s engagement in open science on a university level. This entail a number of proposals, such as a suitable composition of a working group with a broad mission of monitoring the open science developments, a vision for open science at LU and a plan for activities concering open science, how to organise research support and elaborating a new open access policy.

For full description of the project see file below (only in Swedish).

If you would like to know more about the project or have ideas, you would like to share please contact karolina.lindh@ub.lu.se