The fifth annual conference of the Open Science Community Sweden

The Swedish Open Science Community held their yearly meeting and conference in Växjö this week. Angeliki, Sara and Karolina went there to learn more about the community and get to know its members. Talks and presentations addressed how to increase reproducibility and rigour in research and we also heard about SciLifeLab and Skills4eosc. Mirjam Walpot, that will hold keynote on LU Open Science Days, gave an inspiring lightning talk about the International Network of Open Science & Scholarship Communities. On the evening of the first day, we attended a live podcast with Nullius In Verba on the topic criticism on open science. When published I can really recommend you listen to it.

If you want to be part of the setting up an Open Science Community at LU please come to LU Open Science Days! You can of course join later if you like. The program for the days is continuously being updated with speaker.

September 27, 2024

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